About Destiny

Thank you first and foremost for your interest, And welcome, to my little corner on Blogspot!
Any and all projects I take part in, within the adult entertainment community of Second Life,
will be posted on this blog. This is my portfolio, in the making. Enjoy.

In the spotlight ::                        Erotic actress and model
Behind the camera ::                  Photographer and producer

Second Life display names ::      Annielle De Lascivia
Second Life account name ::      Annielle Destiny
Second Life birthday ::               Dec 2nd 2007
Sexual orientation ::                   Pansexual
Place of origin ::                        Scandinavia

Head ::      LeLutka EvoX Ryn
Bodies ::    Legacy Perky // INITHIUM Kupra
Extra ::      Sensation Vagina v7, The V Bento, Vajayjay and VAW (vagina + nipples + butt)

Other heads and bodies, I am willing to wear upon request.
Heads :: LeLutka EvoX Avalon, Briannan & Ceylon. LeLutka Evolution Erin, Fleur, Lilly & Nova
Bodies :: Legacy Feminine, Legacy Pregnancy, Maitreya Lara + Petite, INITHIUM Kupra Kups

For any and all projects I am involved in, I wish to be credited by account name :: Annielle Destiny
Simply to avoid any confusion, and because display names are subject to change over time.

I live in central Europe, and I am 9 hours ahead of SLT (Second Life Time). Meanwhile I do value my sleep, I am also flexible. I can once in a while if need be, stay up late or get up early, (just not both on the same day/night obviously). I am therefore able to cover almost every hour around the clock.

Black list? White list? Many erotic actresses and models within Second Life, has such a list. Who they are willing to work with, and not. I personally do not believe in such lists. Much like in real life, we sometimes have to work together with people we do not always like. Needless to say, I will act, pose and model, with whoever the producer, director or photographer pair me up.

More about Destiny
Why erotic acting and modeling? I love it as an artform, I love to see it take shape. The work and the creativity, that goes into erotic film making, and photography within Second Life. I love it even more, to be part of it all in the making. It has me excited and very intrigued. To put myself out there and step into a world, that welcomes all my quirks and kinks.

I am blessed to have a very flexible real life, and it allows me to stay in the loop with Second Life. I can basically shape my real life schedule, around whatever else I have going on. And I wanna take this opportunity, and make the best of what I got.

Destiny says yes
Something new, a little out there? Something wild pushing a few limits? I love and I welcome such creativity. I will say yes any day to some new explorations, and pushing the boundaries! Let's turn some heads together.

Destiny says no
Animals, children, cannibalism and scat.
With animals I am speaking of the normal realistic average animal. I have no problem what so ever with humanoids such as neko, lycan, demon, and so on... Anything hentai is completely fine too.
Try to manipulate, or edit me into something illegal, and I will report you on the spot.

Booking Destiny
Have I caught your interest? Then I look forward working with you.
Poke my naughty box within Second Life, and I will strike a pose. Just for you.
You are of course also welcome to stop by my studio, for a face to face meeting, right here :: Destiny Desires
Just bare in mind please, that I might be busy working, or otherwise unavailable.

I am available for anything from fashion and fetish photographs, to adult entertainment.
I welcome any and all from a five minute photo shoot, to months on a movie set.

Destiny behind the camera
Along side my acting and modeling career within Second Life, I do enjoy letting my hair down, and set my creativity free, throughout my own digital photography. This is my creative outlet, and as such I treat is as with any other hobby. It is something I enjoy at my own pace, as inspiration happens to cross my mind at random.
Having that said, I do expect professionalism, should you find yourself one day in front of my camera.
I am not available for hire, and I will also not shoot your profile picture.

Deadlines, I usually stay clear of, as my inspiration at times is somewhat unpredictable. You may once in a while, see my work on display, within some of the many art galleries of Second Life. However this is the exception, and not the rule. I am of course always flattered, when someone wish for my work to go on display, for the general public. Wether I can accept such an offer or not however, depends solely on all the other pieces, of my frequently busy Second Life.

Destiny directing and producing
Something new I am dipping my toes into, along side my other priorities. My approach to this is somewhat casual, and just like my photography, I treat this as a hobby. It is unlikely that you will ever see a casting call, for any of my animated adult entertainment projects. Instead I will probably just tailor my film projects, and the roles within, around those individuals I would like to work with.

All rights reserved © 
The copyright holder of any artwork, is always the photographer, producer or publisher! Even as a model or actress, you do not have the right, to duplicate, reproduce or otherwise redistribute any material, without the written concent of the copyright holder.

You may link to my DeviantArt, my Flickr, and of course my Blogspot, should you desire for my work to appear within your portfolio. You may as an exception post my work, in original form on your blog, given you also provide a link to the source, such as my Blogspot, DeviantArt or Flickr page. You are under no circumstances, permitted to post any of my work, on your own personal Flickr, or similar media sharing network.